Kaneiya - Photos

Coding Projects

Zone: Focus Simplified

Zone is a tool to help alleviate ADHD symptoms, anxiousness, and depressive moods that often inhibit focus. With the help of a psychiatrist, Dr. Manuj Nangia, M.D, and a clinical psychologist, Dr. Rodric Rhodes, Ph. D, I designed a series of questions to estimate users’ levels of stress, distraction, or sadness. These are then passed through an algorithm I developed to suggest simple, accessible tasks to help them refocus. I was inspired to develop this app by my own difficulties with concentration, as well as those of other people in my community.


Echo Initiative

I am the web developer for the Echo Initiative, anemerging nonprofit organization that focuses on perpetuating the legacies of elderly immigrants by providing a platform for them to share their lives and experiences while moving to the United States. In publishing their stories, we hope to raise awareness of the difficulties they face so that they are less frowned upon and more welcomed by everyone else.


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